7949 views04/06/14 at 05:03Fanu: the best

7949 views03/30/11 at 15:04Juan Jose: espectacular!!!!!! ya tengo el mio!!!

11031 views03/10/10 at 15:56Dan: Have used this knife for 12 yrs and love it. Very...

5725 views02/15/07 at 15:52jake: i love this knife

6938 views02/15/07 at 15:51jake: its to butifull to loock at it i wont it

374 views02/15/07 at 15:49jake: Mine mine All mine dont tuch mine

7949 views02/15/07 at 15:47jake: Awwwsome

482 views09/07/06 at 09:03rooster: cool

6938 views09/07/06 at 08:59rooster: Beutiful knife

7949 views09/01/06 at 18:49Eric N.: I love mine!!

6938 views02/25/06 at 15:43R A H: THE TREKEYS WILL LOVE THIS