Well, Mr. Bulk did it again. SLGI is the brightest 1W Luxeon Start flashlight on today's(Winter 2004) flashlight market, again! At a time LGI held the crown of the brightest 1W Luxeon Star flashlight for a while. Later Several other flashlights appeared that
were able to match LGI closely. TnC Hyper Lux I, and some others. All that eventually caused the birth of Super
Long Gun Illuminator - SLGI. Super duper overdriven, with Fraen optics, SLGI is the winner again. I've been measuring light output today, with my new light meter, and the numbers
proove it ;) It is the brightest, winning by quite significant margin. Closet came Hyper Lux I with 1091 Lux from 1 meter, while SLGI produced 1612 Lux from 1 meter. As you can see
it's a significant difference.
SLGI, just like LGI is a modification of standard Brinkman Legend 3AA flashlight modification. Visually you can't tell the difference, unless you look at the LED assembly itself -
differnt optics ;) That's pretty much it about visualization. I am not sure about the circuitry details, mey be SLGI is overdrivern even harder than LGI. After few minutes on, the
head became warm, but I wasnt' using thermometer to be able to tell what's more heated LGI or SLGI. Anyway, the light is brighter.
Power source obviously is the same as in LGI too. 3 AA cells. As I've mentioned in LGI review I like this flashlight design by Brinkman. Kroll switch is more convenient than the
twist system and is equipped with a lock. Although potentially more troubloesome. The one on LGI said kaput after few months of not very intensive use. I'm gonna have to call
Brinkman to get the replacement unit.
Like I said if you are into overdriven, overclocked, boosted and supercharged things, then you ought to have this thing, and sure you have to look at Charlie's(aka MrBulk) web site, there's always something new going on in there :)
- The beam is bright, and thanks to the optics it's very even, no dark spots in the middle, nice side spill. Overall it has a well defined corona and nice, tight hotspot. As I've already mentioned the light output from SLGI is exceptional for 1W flashlight. For the flashlight of this size it's just terrific. More than enough to illuminate large dark bedroom, and even 2 car garage. In short for utility use it's more than plenty. Interestingly enough SLGI produced 3 times more light than Streamlight 3AA (505 Lux from 1 meter), which is in the same class theoretically, that is the same light source 1W Luxeon star and the same power source, 3 AA cells. I've checked again the results with fresh batteries and the same 505 Lux from 1 meter. Strange. I thought Streamlight was brighter, but it's real hard to judge by eye :) So, SLGI is 3+ times brighter than the Streamlight. Impressive.As far as the LED quality goes my SLGI has a good one. Very white light, no tint, at least not that I can tell. Compared to SLGI, older LGI produces slightly purplish beam. Basically the same quality LED I've had from TnC flashlights.
Last updated - 05/06/19