GB 4Cr15MoVNi Knife Steel
Composition Analysis Graph, Equivalents And Overview

Version 4.36
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4Cr15MoVNi(GB) - Budget stainless steel. By composition very similar to GB 4Cr13 stainless steel. As Cr15 indicates, it has up to 15% Chromium, which is slightly higher than what's in 4Cr13, which by the way could have up to 14% Chromium according to the spec, despite Cr13. Anyway, neither alloy is what you'd call a stellar performer, but both do ok for budget knives if they are priced right. Easy to sharpen, relatively soft do to lack of hardening elements, and not high on wear resistance, but high on stain resistance. CRKT uses 4Cr15MoVNi in their folders, but doesn't list the steel in their official steel chart for some reason.

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