Crucible CPM S140V Knife Steel
Composition Analysis Graph, Equivalents And Overview

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CPM S140V(Crucible) -

Unreleased alloy. Crucible filed patent for the CPM S140V steel alone with the well known and quite popular CPM S90V stainless steel. The exact reason as to why the CPM S140V steel was never released is unknown. Being optimistic, I'd assume sooner or later it'll see the light of the day, but you know how things go. Anyway, as far as the CPM S140V steel composition goes, it is very high on Carbon - 3.45% and Vanadium - 14.50%, and frankly, I wouldn't call 14% Chromium modest either. However, given the fact that CPM S140V contains 3.45% Carbon even in presence of 14.5% Vanadium stainlessness won't be very high, but definitely on the considerably stain resistant side. Obviously, the CPM S140V steel has or had very high abrasive wear resistance, and I'd hazard to guess its grindability and workability were rather low, in other words difficult for knifemakers to work with. Larrin ( categorized CPM S140V as roughly similar with Crucible CPM S60V steel and Crucible Supracor steel. The keyword here is "similar" though. The only other alloy with that much Vanadium in it is the Crucible CPM 15V steel, which has slightly more Carbon - 3.40%, but a lot less Chromium - 5.25%. Well, that's all I have for now, may be someone will get their hands on the samples, or may be it will be released. I suppose, Crucible going bankrupt had something to do with release issues, or may be not.

Special thanks goes to Larrin and for digging this up :)

Manufacturing Technology - CPM

Country - United States(US)

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