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F.5563(UNE) - High speed tool steel, specifically designed for high wear resistance and strength. Very high Tungsten(W) content. High Vanadium content.
Manufacturing Technology - Ingot
Country - Spain(ES)
- Standard Specs
- AFNOR - Z160WKCV12-05-05-04
- AISI - T15
- BS - BT15
- CSN - 19858
- DIN - S12-1-4-5
- EN - HS12-1-5-5
- GB - W12Cr4V5Co5
- GOST - R12F4K5
- GOST - R12F4K5-MP
- GOST - R12F5K5
- GOST - R12F5K5-MP
- GOST - EP600
- GOST - R13F4K5
- JIS - SKH10
- JUS - C.9681
- PN - SK5V
- UNE - 12-1-5-5
- UNI - HS12-1-5-5
- UNI - 130505KU
- UNI - X150WCoV130505KU
- UNS - T12015
- W-Nr - 1.3202
- Proprietary Equivalents
- Allegheny Ludlum - Panther-5
- Aubert & Duval - Rapide-S
- Bethlehem - Red Sabre
- Bohler-Uddeholm - S308
- Braeburn - Braeburn T-15
- Carpenter - Micro-Melt T15
- Carpenter - PMT15
- Columbia Steel - Maxite15
- Crucible - CPM Rex T15
- Deutsche Edelstahlwerke - SA900
- Dorrenberg - KD25
- Erasteel - ASP2015
- Forecreu - PM15
- Geruk - GPMT15
- Heye - HYT15
- Houghton & Richards - H&R No.444
- Jessop Steel - Jessop T15
- Kind & Co - Silber V4
- Latrobe - DuraTech T15
- Latrobe - Dynavan
- Latrobe - Dynavan T15
- Latrobe - E. Dynavan XL
- Lohmann - LO-S 3202
- Lohmann - SS150
- Lohmann - LO-QPM T15
- Metal Ravne - BRCV
- Nachi Fujikoshi - FAX55
- Ossenberg - Kobalt5
- Ossenberg - Cobalt 5
- Platestahl - SVZ245
- Poldi - Radeco C
- Rovalma - BSW15
- SIJ Metal Ravne D.O.O. - SIRapid 3202
- Scana - PM15
- Scana - Stellapur PM15
- Schmolz Bickenbach - Rapidur 3202
- TES - Thyrapid3203
- Teledyne Technologies - Vasco Supreme
- Thyssen-Krupp - 3202
- Thyssen-Krupp - ThyRapid3202
- Thyssen-Krupp-FR - TKM3202
- Zapp - SSVB50
- Ziv Steel - Zivs T15
NOTE - Approximate composition based on manufacturer's or standard reference information and other alloys in the same reference group is shown.
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