MV58 Knife Steel
Composition Analysis Graph, Equivalents And Overview

Version 4.36
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MV58(?) - Highly stainless steel used in number of Spanish knife brands including Muela, Nieto, Salamandra, Joker. For a while composition was rather all over the place, finally, fellow knife enthusiast reached out with the official composition, and turns out this is the same W-Nr 1.4116 steel with variations fully within the spec. Still unknown who exactly makes it, may be one day we'll find out. But other than that, it's the same, quite popular stainless steel. Looks liek Spanish makers harden it to 58HRC with cryo, which is pretty much the max and the best you could get out of it. Highly stainless, will be better off in diving knives, but there's a ton of all sorts of survival, jungle etc knives made out of it.

Manufacturing Technology - Ingot

Country - Spain(ES)

Known Aliases:
? - MOVA58, ? - MV-58, ? - MOVA-58

* - Listed as an equivalent or replacement for alloys in this group.

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