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Generated 97662352 times.
Z-Wear(Zapp) - Zapp PM cold work tool steel. According to their distributors, it's an equivalent of Crucible CPM 3V steel, although Carbon content in Z-Wear is considerably higher, 1.15% vs. 0.80 in CPM 3V. Consequently, working hardness is higher too, up to 64HRC. As Zapp claims, it's tougher than CPM 3V at the same hardness. By composition, it belongs to the same group as Vascowear and LSS PGK.
Manufacturing Technology - PM
Country - Germany(DE)
- Standard Specs
- Proprietary Equivalents
- Carpenter - SB Wear
- Carpenter - Micro-Melt PD1
- Carpenter - Micro-Melt PD#1
- Carpenter - PD1
- Carpenter - PD#1
- Crucible - CruWear
- Crucible - Cru-Wear
- Crucible - CPM CruWear
- International Tool Steel - ITS Special
- Latrobe - LSS PGK
- Latrobe - PGK
- Latrobe - Lescowear
- Lohmann - PGK
- Spectrum Metal Solutions - Spectrumwear
- Thyssen-Krupp - TSP3W
- Vasco Metal - Vascowear
- Vasco Metal - Vasco Wear
- Zapp - US2000
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