Indentation left by Rockwell tester77 viewsBenchmade 710HSSR, 58.8HRC :(     (0 votes)

Indentation left by Rockwell tester4094 viewsTadatsuna Kamagata Usuba - 62.3HRC     (0 votes)

Indentations left by Rockwell tester4459 viewsBenchmade 710HSSR, 58.8HRC :(     (0 votes)

Benchmade 710HSSR Thumbstud macrograph349 viewsJust testing the microscope and depth of field. Thumbstud - Benchmade 710HSSR.      (0 votes)

Laquer Chipping On Tadatsuna Shirogami Gyuto5445 viewsLacquer chipping on 270mm Tadatsuna Shirogami Gyuto     (0 votes)

Seam line on the Kershaw Shallot ZDP-189 composite blade Blade90 viewsKershaw Shallot ZDP-189 blade is made of ZDP-189 steel edge and 14C28N spine. That's what the seam line looks like at approximately 300x magnification.     (0 votes)

Seam line on the Kershaw Shallot ZDP-189 composite blade Blade5993 viewsKershaw Shallot ZDP-189 blade is made of ZDP-189 steel edge and 14C28N spine. That's what the seam line looks like at approximately 100x magnification.     (0 votes)

SRKW Camp Tramp Coating Close Up88 viewsThis is the crinkle coating on the Swamp Rat Knife works Camp Tramp knife blade. About 150x magnification.     (0 votes)

Laquer Chipping On Tadatsuna Shirogami Gyuto257 viewsLacquer chipping on 270mm Tadatsuna Shirogami Gyuto     (0 votes)

Laquer Chipping On Tadatsuna Shirogami Gyuto5718 viewsLacquer chipping on 270mm Tadatsuna Shirogami Gyuto     (0 votes)