Thyssen-Krupp 4116 Knife Steel
Composition Analysis Graph, Equivalents And Overview

Version 4.36
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4116(Thyssen-Krupp) - Thyssen-Krupp medium carbon steel. Officially used in hygienic products. Also used in entry level factory knives. Cold Steel uses it lately. It is W-Nr 1.4116, Thyssen-Krupp names their steels using standard convention, i.e. removing 1. from the w-Nr name. As CS claims exhibits better wear resistance than 420HC. Basically it's the same steel you have in your Henckels and Wusthofs. Maker doesn't publish exact Mn and Si contents, but most likely they're both around 1% as in the W-Nr 1.4116 standard.

Manufacturing Technology - Ingot

Country - Germany(DE)

* - Listed as an equivalent or replacement for alloys in this group.

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